Thursday 7 February 2008

Pudding Thursday

Hooray for pudding thursday! My friends that I eat with the most have a rule that on a thursday we always have a lovely pudding and it helps me get through the day. This is the first pudding thursday in lent which means no chocolate puddings for me. But I still can't wait. Work is ok, not too busy but eyes are on pudding.....i mean... on Jesus! Very tired again today and after having a phone call from the bank about the fraud on my account I need to go in tomorrow on my day off and get it all sorted so that means no relaxing for me! And I'm in work this weekend..grrrr. But no doubt pudding thursday will come round again soon enough...can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Pudding Thursday' sounds yummy. How about having a 'Double' pudding Thursday after lent to catch up! The thing that gets me through the week is 'Takeaway Friday'.