Friday 7 November 2008

Homeward bound

Hey All,

Well I'm off home tomorrow to sort out some more of mum's things. Can't say I'm looking forward to that bit as it means that I have to face up to the fact that it is real and she is not here anymore and I can't speak to her, or see her. And I'm desperate to tell her loads and loads of stuff and I hate the fact that I can't.

However what I am looking forward to is my gentleman is coming with me, Yay!!! So excited about that. Gonna be so good. So excited. Can't believe he's coming with me. He's so amazing. God has been so so so so good to me.

God is awesome and amazing and wonderful. And even though I feel (once again) that my whole life is up in the air, I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is Sovereign. And more to the point He is in control.

I know that I have spent my whole life not being what my name says, settled and I know that part of me is just hanging around waiting for me to finally settle. And it fustrates me cause it's not like I plan on being restless and moving around all the time and being unsettled it's just the way life has happened and happens for me.

I pray so much that soon I will be settled cause I need to be before my head starts to spin out. I'm sick of not having anything (apart from Jesus, obviously) permanent in my life, nothing solid. I need something, cause I hate being a wanderer and a nomad.

Anyway enough of that now. Got to crack on and sort some more stuff out before tomoz.

God Bless and Love you lots,

The Vickster