Wednesday 24 September 2008

Tumbling after.

Not that much to tell you really.

Went home a few weekends ago. Was good but needed a bit more time there as didn't get to see as many people as I wanted to. But did feel good to be home. Church there was good as well, really felt God's presence around me.

Been working hard here still though it has been very very quiet probably due to the credit crunch or something.

St James in the City is all good too! I love it to bits and look forward to it every week. This month I am in the newsletter being interviewed.

As I look out the window at the moment the sun is shining on Liverpool (i'm at work early) and it looks golden and gorgeous. I so NEVER want to leave this city!

Quite often I feel like I'm tumbling after The Lord. Do you know what I mean? Like you try and follow Him but you trip and start tumbling but your still heading in the right direction? And often you'll slip on a simple truth like: 'Theres nothing that's more beautiful than what I've found in Him'

He is so awesome and I can't believe what He appears to be up to. Really hope it is Him and not the enemy, I should be able to tell, shouldn't I? Oh well no doubt time will unravel it!

Here's something interesting to tell you- for the past 2 weeks I have dreamt about being at school every single night! What is that about?? Most strange and need it interpreting, but will not be able to as I can't go into whats going on with me at the moment. It is most ridiculous and far too outrageous to let anyone know whats happening. But incase people are slightly concerned it is nothing to worry about and in time I will reveal all.

Anyway must go to work now. Write again soon,

God Bless
